Press Releases

[Press Release] From attracting tourism from the UK to “stealing” its startups

Rachael Simpson

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Malaga has long been one of the favorite holiday destinations for British tourists. Now the city has also become a technology hub that attracts its entrepreneurs. It is the startup state BlackDice which was founded by the entrepreneur Paul Hague, who moved from Leeds to Malaga in August, drawn in by its thriving digital ecosystem.

“We were looking for a European city to expand our business. We knew we had to be there to start the business, so it had to be not only business-friendly, but family-friendly as well. A colleague was in Malaga and suggested we go see it, we did and signed on.” In love with the city. The tech ecosystem is thriving and with VirusTotal/Google here everything falls into place he explains.

Indeed, Hague acknowledges, it was the opening of Google’s new Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity, which will start operating this year, that tipped the scales in Malaga’s favor after visiting several European cities.”

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